When was Banco Popular S.A. created?
Banco Popular was created on June 30, 1950, and on December 18 of the same year it began operations
in the San Agustín office, with a capital of 700 thousand pesos and 7 founding employees.
In 1951 it opened its first branch in Manizales and the following year it began its expansion
process throughout the country. The Bank currently has branches in 29 of Colombia's 32 departments
and 193 offices nationwide.
Which is Banco Popular's independent external audit firm?
The Shareholders' Meeting of Banco Popular, in its ordinary meeting, re-elected
KPMG as the company's Statutory Auditor.
What is Banco Popular's policy on sustainability issues?
Banco Popular has a sustainability model structured in four strategic fronts, which
are expressed as an invitation to joint action to work as a society for a common purpose within the
framework of sustainable development. The model establishes eleven pillars of action that determine
the lines of work of our initiatives and projects. The sustainability strategy can be consulted in
Sustainable Banco
Popular section.
What is the difference between Separate Financial Statements and Consolidated Financial Statements?
The separate financial statements represent the results of Banco Popular in its
individual operations in Colombia. The consolidated financial statements represent the results of
Banco Popular and its subsidiaries Alpopular and Fiduciaria Popular.